Saturday, August 28, 2004

The Village

I went to see The Village a few nights ago. It was the first time I left my three month old baby with someone else for more than ten minutes. Although I was worried about how she would be with my sister for the evening, it was so good to get out again. My eldest daughter, who is two, loves spending time with my sister, so I knew she'd be fine.
Quite frankly, this is yet another great movie by M. Night Shyamalan. He cast Bryce Dallas Howard as Ivy Walker without an audition, and the part of Lucius Hunt was written for Joaquin Phoenix. Both actors played their parts very well, and if you haven't already seen this film, do so now. It's very creepy at some points, I even jumped a few times. I won't ruin the story, I knew nothing about it when I went to see it and I'm glad I didn't. There are a couple of good twists in the story and that's all I'll say.

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